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Parent Expectations

Bluegrass SC Parent Expectations

  • Provide only positive support during games.
  • Refrain from attempting to coach your child from the sidelines.
  • Do not criticize your child’s teammates or coaches in the presence of your child or his/her teammates.
  • Do not talk to players or coaches for either team during matches, except to offer support, congratulations or assistance.
  • No abusive or profane language.
  • Do not argue with officials.
  • Be gracious in victory and dignified in defeat.
  • Parents will not knowingly participate in or knowingly permit violation or circumvention of BSC, KYSA, or USYSA rules.
  • Do not argue with opposing fans.
  • Do not criticize opponents in the presence of them or their fans.
  • Fighting or physical violence will result in automatic suspension from Bluegrass SC premises and activities. Repeat violations will result in expulsion from the Club. Ejection of a parent during a match including stepparents or legal guardian for inappropriate behavior will include a written warning and review of the parents Code of Conduct. A second incident of ejection will result in suspension from Bluegrass SC premises and activities.